Monday, September 7, 2009

So this is the beginning....

...of my presence here on Blogger.

Well I guess I'll start out with a bang...

Does anyone know that the Government (with Your State Government) has infrastructure in place for a MASSIVE PANDEMIC with MASSIVE Death Rates???...


What would you say if you knew...

That there are brand-new mass-grave sites of deep concrete vaults strewn as far as the eye can see across never ending fields...

That brand-new prisons stand empty, but manned...

That our Government has recently passed laws protecting themselves and vaccine-makers... but leaving us only Quarantine options (at least in the beginning they're options)...

That our Government has recently mobilized many thousands of United States combat troops... on Our soil... for US.

And that the Pentagon is asking for hundreds of thousands more?

For Us.

For Here.

That "We've" already spent BILLIONS on a "vaccine" that's been proven over-n-over to be UN-Safe in so many ways...
Because we need it to be stockpiled X2 over, X3 over, for the forced vaccination right now of our Military and then, by force,... if necessary... one-by-one... Us...

The Citizens

Why would they create these places, make these laws, mobilize these forces, stockpile this dangerous vaccine...


I write an email newsletter each week discussing things like this (and The Total Economic Collapse, and Government Whacko Profiles, and various Other Things) & WARNING about things as I see 'em and showing you what you won't see on TV about the way the Wind's really BLOWING...

I try to show articles and develop trends from mostly Mainstream sources, (so that none may shout "Conspiracy Theorist")... of the way the Wind's REALLY BLOWING...

And this on-line *What's Happening* series that starts today will mirror the content.

So take it as you will, this newsletter's mostly a bunch of articles that are collated, current and are generally demonstrating a specific POINT, which is laid out in each edition....
And it's...
Sometimes augmented by Government Documents, sometimes by my Brilliant Oratory... :)

It's from the horse's mouth in more than one way..., so to speak...

And If You Think It's Important... Spread It Around!
To Be put on the Newsletter mailing list: